Friday, January 15, 2010

Haiti and a Friendly Reminder/Warning

The sound of the facetious slow clap fills the air as I write this.  As I'm sure you readers know, an insanely powerful earthquake has struck Haiti in the past few days.  Anywhere from 30,000 to 100,000 people have been shuffled from this mortal coil and many more are hurt, mentally, emotionally, or physically.  Many are still missing.  I'm not saying for sure, but I can't help but think something else seriously bad went down.

I've been consulting some of my not-quite-human contacts and they say that at the time of the quake, something similar swept across the spiritual overlay of the southeastern US.  Their guess is that someone tried to summon something they couldn't control.  Something big.  Something powerful.  Whatever was called was probably vodoun considering the region (and that it doesn't work that way in Santeria).  The likely culprit?  Gran Bois.  Loa of The Sacred Forest (of the Island Below the Waters (a.k.a. Guinee)).

Normally, he's pretty nice and generous if you pay the proper respect and tribute.  He's also pretty proud of his unusually large, constantly erect penis.  Just worth noting there.  Like all loa, though, he can be "great and terrible" if things aren't done properly or he isn't paid proper respect.  And a lot of loa also have alternate forms, usually "La Flambeau" (the fiery aspect) or "Ge-Rouge" (literally "Red Eye"), which are quite violent and dangerous variations.  My guess is that something along those lines led to the massive earthquake and the only earth-aligned being I can think of that powerful is Gran Bois.  I really feel sorry for all the other Haitians who are suffering or lost their lives for the folly of one or several summoners who didn't do their homework.  There is no excuse for this.  This kind of disaster can't ever be spun in a positive light.  No matter what they stood to gain.

Great job genius!  You almost sank the island!

This kind of crap is why Atlantis fell, according to some of the supposed survivors' accounts.  "We're powerful magicians!" they said, "We don't need to seal things in a summoning circle!"  And then they called something big which proceeded to eat them all and sink the continent.

Third Law of Magic: Never summon anything bigger than your head.

 Gran Bois' veve.

  You can do whatever you feel like to help the relief efforts here.   Please do.  They need it.

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