Monday, February 15, 2010

A Third Faceless Lady and the Secret of Flight

I still have no idea what happened this time.  I was at a friend's apartment just off campus.  It was our annual Valentine's "Make food and watch cult movies" night.  I was walking through the parking lot when I saw her.  She was standing there, wearing a parka and wind pants.  The hood was up so I couldn't see her hair.  And she didn't have a face.

It was another faceless lady, but this one was different from the other two.  For the first time, her attention was focused on me.  I couldn't tell by eye contact or anything like that for obvious reasons, but I could just tell her focus was on me.  It was a little strange, but nothing felt like I was in danger. 


Without warning, she darted behind one of the cars.  I was a bit confused until she leaped out from behind another and straight at me.  Her aura had become visible as a set of glowing purple claws at the end of each gloved finger.  Don't ask me how I managed, but she sailed over my head just as I moved to duck.  She hit the car to my left (and it wasn't pretty).  Suffice it to say that I ran.  I ran at speeds I didn't know were possible to my legs.  I ran around buildings and through parking lots and across streets, the Faceless Lady closely pursuing me every step of the way.  Finally, she had me cornered at a dropoff at the end of a gravel parking lot.  About fifteen feet below was a small creek.  A creek filled with very pointy rocks.  Not pleasant.  Still, the alternative was glowing purple evisceration at the hands of a Faceless Lady.  So I closed my eyes and stepped off the edge...

And I didn't hit the ground.

It took a few seconds before I realized that fact. But I think I noticed when I heard a sigh behind me that Gravity had relinquished its grip.  I looked over my shoulder.  The Faceless Lady was staring(?) at me.  Cue the iconic "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" staredown music.  Then, out of nowhere, she blew away like dust in the wind.  Think "staked Buffy vampire".

So there I was, hanging in midair.  I looked down and caught my reflection in the low creekwater.  Extending from my back was a pair of shining prismatic wings.  They were pretty long and appeared to be made of disconnected tribal tattoo designs.  Really quite breathtaking. 

The point is, though, I was flying!  Really flying!  The feeling was indescribable!  Utter and complete freedom.  I just had to image where I wanted to go and I would fly in that direction.  It was absolutely amazing.  I flew about for the better part of the hour before I remembered I had class the next day.  Quite a Mary Poppins moment: the thought literally dragged me down.  So, I reluctantly flew back toward school and landed a little off campus.  Can't afford to be seen by the normals and all.  I hope I don't see that particular Lady again.

I wonder if I'll be able to fly again.

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