Saturday, May 15, 2010

It's Been a While. And It Will Be Yet.

Things have been pretty quiet in my little college town for the past little while.  The Seelie Court took over in full at Beltaine (about May 1).  They don't like to deal with outsiders as much as the Unseelie so I imagine it will be a while yet before I get invited to meet with them. (And the next transitional period doesn't start until Lughnasadh (sometime thereabout August 1)).  A pity, really.  I had been hoping to get to know them more than my one weeklong dancing spree.

The end of the school year sort of snuck up on me.  Thankfully, nothing decided to rear its ugly head in that time.  Still, I had four monologues to learn, countless sculptures to make, and three legitimate written finals to study for.  It wasn't difficult, but things were complicated somewhat when I got sick and missed one, the merciful rescheduling of which extended my tests another day and a half.  And in this time, I got subpoena'd to testify against my old kiddie-perving demon roommate.  No sooner did I get served, than the prosecutor's office called to tell me it's been rescheduled to July.  So at least that didn't mess with my tests, like it originally would have (take place on the last day of them).  On the bright side, I got 5 A's and 1 B.  My cumulative GPA is now exceptionally high (over 3.7).

Moving out wasn't too easy.  I got everything out all right, but my RA took forever to check me out and he always found more dirt where there wasn't any (which he attested to himself) before.  I'm not gonna call that supernatural, but it was certainly annoying.  Then I had to wait almost an hour outside the building where the Theatrical Art classroom is located to collect my supplies.  It didn't take long to get them, but the waiting and having to inconvenience my professor didn't help my mood.  Plus I had to transport the cursed bracelet which probably didn't help my day.  Incidentally, I found a way to uncurse it and will do so by running it under moving springwater this summer, but I'll get to that in a minute.  Then I had to go and sell my books back.  For wholesale.  But seeing how they're the only game in town, I was railroaded.  I went back to my car to get a form to turn into the registrar and a seat full of stuff fell out.  A lot of things broke and/or spilled.  By this point, I was very, very annoyed and started throwing things in.  Then something awesome happened.  Objects started flinging themselves back into the car!  Apparently I have telekinetic tendencies (but I haven't tried again since I calmed down, so maybe it's an emotional thing).  It didn't improve my mood then (especially with all the other bad things that crossed my path shortly after), but it was pretty darn cool.  

On a completely unrelated note to anything, one of my bestest friends in the Universe saw the first Faceless Lady.  She was walking away from my friend and she heard glossolalic whispers coming from behind her.  So now others have seen her and maybe we can get to know more about her.

I'm home now and like I said before, I'm not too involved in local fortean happenings.  So things have been pretty quiet thus far.  Next week on Friday, I'm going to BSA National Camping School and then on to work at Camp Orr until July 3.  There's a lot of weird stuff out there and I hope to tell all about it on this blog when I get back.  Until then, I've got a friend who's going to hijack this thing and tell a bit of his own goings on.  You'll love it.  I swear.

See you in July!

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