Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Evil that Followed Me Home

Normally I try to ignore C's ramblings, but it's hard to do so when they suddenly become relevant.  (And by C, I mean the other author, not the completely awesome follower.)  Late July, he mentioned Phantom Cars.  Personally, I'd never encountered one.  I don't really get angry that often.  But tonight, one almost ran me over.

I was on foot.  It was about midnight and I was walking home from Taco Bell.  The street between the Hearth and campus was empty.  I walked.  I was to the third lane over from the school when something bowled me over from behind.  I flew forward to the sound of a revving engine and the noxious scent of exhaust permeated the air.  I was still in the road and clearly there were cars, so I scrambled to my feet.  I was suddenly yanked backward by my collar to land on my butt.  A car rushed past right in front of me, where I had only moments ago stood.

As it passed, I became aware of the Faceless Lady standing on the curb.  It was the first one with the coat but sans the cigarette.  She immediately rushed forward, grabbed my arm and hauled me forward and off the road as another car rushed through the lane in which I had been sitting.  Once I was up on the curb, I turned to see what had almost hit me.  It was a shiny black car, which quickly faded from sight (and I mean "shimmer, shimmer, not there anymore").  Immediately, it reappeared in the lane closest to me and sped through before fading out for the last time.  It had but one yellow headlight, no driver, and left muddy hoofprints on the road as it passed.

C was telling the truth, it seems.  But I wasn't angry, so why attack me?

"The Evil sent it after you," came a voice from behind me.  It sounded like Bernardette Peters if she were a chain smoker and was accompanied by glossolalic whispers.  

The Faceless Lady spoke.

I was incredulous.  I stared at her blank face.  

"It followed you home," her disembodied voice added, "You did not go to it across the River, so it crossed for you.  Didn't Squeak warn you?"

And then she turned and walked away, leaving me to figure out just what was going on. 

Side Note:  The hitchhiker-type is still out by the entrance of my dorm when viewed through the Brittney Glasses.  People walk right through him, but I'm still worried about going anywhere near him.  Last time I made contact with anything like him, I was given visions and had nightmares for a week.  Still don't know what that's about..

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