Friday, December 31, 2010

Snatchers, The Shadow City of Lacuna, Sympathy on the Highways, 12 Very Tiny Reindeer, the Jolly Old Immigrant, and a Fetch (Work In Progress

I daresay it's been awhile.  But I've got a good excuse, I swear!

It started Mid-October back in my little college town.  It was Friday and I had just gotten out of my last class of the day.  The day was warm and sunny, and as averse as I usually am to sunlight, even I was enjoying it.  I headed back to my dorm to unwind.  I opened the door, surveyed the mess, made a mental note to do my laundry, dropped my bag, and checked my wards.  

I probably should have done that first. 

Staring me right in the face, at the base of my door, the salt line was broken.  No sooner did I make note of this than I was aware of a humanoid form across the threshold.  It (he?) was dressed in black boots, jeans, a black leather jacket, and a ski mask.  What skin that showed from behind the mask was pale and its eyes were milky while bloodshot.

A snatcher.  Joy.

Snatchers are born of parents' fears of someone taking their precious babies.  They're actually a kind of Nervosa (referenced here.)  They grab kids, walk purposefully away and once they're out of sight, they just disappear to Xenu knows where.  Anywhat, the kids aren't seen again.  Nobody (that I know) is really sure what becomes of them.

Anyw-word, the snatcher stepped on through my door reaching out for me.  Naturally, I backed away and tried to think of something that would get me out of this mess.  Except then another one came out from under my bed and joined the first one.  They backed me into a corner (which wasn't much of a feat, considering how small my dorm room is).  Normally, I'm good under pressure, but I was at a loss for what to do.  Long story short: they each grabbed an arm, I thrashed (it didn't help), nobody else was around, so they did their thing and we disappeared.

But wait! There's more!  Post-In-Progress.

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