Monday, November 23, 2009

A Faceless Woman

Some nights, I'm walking back to campus from wherever I was and I'll be passing this taco place across from the school.  Normally, it's just as empty and dead as everything else in this small town at midnight.  Sometimes, though, I'll see a woman.  She's normal looking enough. Except for the fact that she doesn't have a face.

I've seen her a total of five times, the latest being last night when I was walking home after dropping off a friend's movie in the Red Box by McDonald's.  She was sitting there under the taco joint's sign, smoking a cigarette.  That she has no face could easily be dismissed as a trick of the shadow, but she also has one other stranger characteristic about her.  She's always smoking when I see her but the cigarettes' flames are always blue or green.  No combustible plant material that I know of (that wouldn't kill the smoker) burns those colors.  Something otherworldly is afoot.  (Like that's never happened to me before...)

Honestly, my money's on noppera-bo or mujina, traditional faceless spirits from Japanese and Hawaiian myth respectively.  That or some kind of fae being.  They have, like, a million forms and even more numerous illusions of such.  I really should go talk to her next time I see her.

Note to self: find a four-leaf clover between now and then.


  1. No, as a lepaurchan I forbid the "sale" there must instead be a transaction of financial sorts with tax benefits.
