Friday, December 4, 2009

Glens and Hearths

There are strange places, overlooked by many, that don't seem encumbered by the outside world.  Where the atmosphere can simply be described as "positive" and any internal negativity flows away quickly.  Seemingly mundane locations unencumbered by the sometimes crushing banality of the outside world.  Hot or cold, they're never intolerable.  The light is bright but never glaring.  Or sometimes dim, but not dark.  Some of these places don't actually exist in this world, rather extending into an "Otherworld" or taking space in the conceptual.  Some of these are very real and some especially unexpected.

They used to be called Glens.  They were wild places thought to be the meeting ground of the Fae.  They were right, to a degree.  The imaginary variation (and just because it's imaginary doesn't mean it isn't real, more on that another day) would hold great revels in these places because the disbelief of the outside world was less powerful there.  As time pass and more lands were settled and developed, the Glens were built upon.  Many became Hearths, pubs and restaurants which displayed the same nature.  Inevitably, these places would attract a clientele which simply liked "the vibe".  Imaginary things still enjoyed these places, albeit in a more location appropriate way (often drunken parties).

I've got a Hearth I like to frequent.  It's a Taco Bell.

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