Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Machine Elves and a Thought About Zombies

First, thankfully the Machine Elves have stopped screaming.  They quit about 2 AM this morning.  I really hope there wasn't too much damage.

The other thing.  I was just wondering why people assume that if zombies appear or (heaven forbid) there is a "zombie apocalypse", it will be some kind of disease.  I'm not a biology major, but I was kind of working under the assumption that when a disease kills its host, it dies too.  So how would a disease reanimate a formerly (debatably) intelligent creature into a rabid cannibalistic undead monster?  I can see brain damage reducing them to that state, but the reanimation itself is just too far fetched.  Heck, if the blood isn't flowing they shouldn't even be able to move!  It's called "rigor".  Human+Virus+Death=Alive because Screw you biology!

Now necromancy, that I know of.  I have seen on more than one occasion corpses raised to do the bidding of necromancers.  They prove delightfully vulnerable to fire and that is indeed the only way to actually kill them.  Of course since they're just puppets, you also don't have to deal with that "I'm rabid and I hunger for the flesh of the living" thing.  With magic it's possible.

So, regarding this rant anyway, "Magic good, biology bad."

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